The Best Foods For Weight Loss, To Add To Your Plate Today

by | Dec 5, 2022 | Last updated Dec 16, 2022 | Blog, Digest

Whether you’ve just started your weight loss journey or are a veteran, one of the most-asked questions on your lips is likely: “What should I even eat to lose weight?” After all, theres so much conflicting diet advice out there, it’s hard to know what foods will work in your favour. Some plans claim you […]

Whether you’ve just started your weight loss journey or are a veteran, one of the most-asked questions on your lips is likely: “What should I even eat to lose weight?” After all, theres so much conflicting diet advice out there, it’s hard to know what foods will work in your favour. Some plans claim you need to entirely ditch carbs or fats, while others swear that raw foods are the secret. It can be enough to make you want to throw your scales out the window!

Here’s the deal: Losing weight doesn’t have to be — and shouldn’t be — confusing. At Noom, we don’t believe there’s a silver bullet for weight loss, or that foods are inherently ‘good’ or ‘bad.’ As such, when you join our weight loss program, no foods are off-limits. You can continue eating your favourites, so long as it fits in your calorie budget. That said, when it comes to weight loss, not all foods are created equal. There are certain foods with better caloric density, which are going to help you get more bang for your buck.

That’s why in this article, we’ve rounded up some of the best foods for weight loss. From fruit and veggies to legumes, proteins and snacks, you’ll get plenty of inspiration for new things to add to your plate.

What Are the Best Foods for Weight Loss?

To lose fat, you have to be in a calorie deficit — that is, taking in less energy than you use. The best way to do this is to eat natural weight-loss foods, which are low in calories but give you energy and keep you full.

Your body needs a variety of macronutrients and micronutrients to survive. The best foods for weight loss are those provide these nutrients without extra calories from added sugar or fat.

Unsaturated fats, which are known as ‘healthy fats,’ are an essential part of a healthy diet and can help with weight loss because they’re very satiating. However, all fats are high in calories, so you should only consume a limited amount.

Protein is important for building and maintaining your muscle mass. So, many of the best foods for weight loss and maintaining muscle tone have lots of protein.

Carbohydrates give your body energy, which will help you be more active. If you want to get fitter and stronger in the gym (or outside of it!), your best foods for weight loss and energy will be carb-heavy foods like fruit and whole grains. They aren’t as satiating as fat or protein, though, so you shouldn’t over-consume them.

If you like to eat large volumes of food, you should pay attention to water content. The higher a food’s water content, the more volume it will have per calorie. Some of your best foods for weight loss are more than 90 percent water, which means you can fill up your plate with them for very few calories.

The Best Fruits for Weight Loss

Let’s start off with the sweet stuff — fruit! Here in Australia, we’re blessed with having hundreds of beautiful varieties in season, all year round. Here are some of the most popular weight-loss fruits you can easily find in the produce aisle of your supermarket.

Grapefruit: Grapefruit contains about 90 percent water, which is one of the highest water contents of all fruits. It’s low in calories for its size, and it provides a large percentage of your daily values of vitamins A and C.

Nutrition per 100 grams:

42 calories

11g carbs

1.6g fibre

0.1g fat

0.8g protein

Cherries: Cherries are a good source of vitamins A and C, and they contain lots of antioxidants, which makes them one of your best foods for weight loss. They also contain melatonin, which helps regulate your sleep cycles.

Nutrition per 100 grams:

50 calories

12g carbs

1.6g fibre

0.3g fat

1g protein

Berries: Berries are an excellent source of vitamin C and fibre. They can help control your blood sugar and protect your nervous system.

Nutrition per 100 grams:

33 calories

8g carbs

5g fibre

0.3g fat

0.7g protein

Pink Lady Apples: All apples are good sources of antioxidants, but a pink lady apple has particularly high levels. It’s low in calories, high in fibre, and one of the overall best foods for weight loss.

Nutrition per apple:

72 calories

19g carbs

3.3g fibre

0.2g fat

0.4g protein

Watermelon: Watermelons are about 92 percent water, so you can eat a large volume without consuming many calories. Like most other fruits, they’re high in antioxidants, which protect your body from cellular damage.

Nutrition per 100 grams:

30 calories

8g carbs

0.4g fibre

0.2g fat

0.6g protein

Nectarines: Nectarines are one of your best foods for weight loss because they’re high in vitamins and antioxidants. They also have lots of fibre, which is helpful for digestion and appetite control.

Nutrition per nectarine:

63 calories

15g carbs

2.4g fibre

0.5g fat

1.5g protein

Peaches: Peaches are among the most delicious and best foods for weight loss. For a low-calorie food, they’re high in potassium, which is important for heart health. They also contain antioxidants and vitamins A and C.

Nutrition per peach:

59 calories

14g carbs

2.3g fibre

0.4g fat

1.4g protein

Plums: Plums are a great source of fibre and potassium, and they’re one of the best fat-burning foods. They help your body absorb iron, which is necessary for oxygen circulation in your blood. Without enough iron, you’ll feel tired and lethargic, and exercising for weight loss will be difficult.

Nutrition per 100 grams:

46 calories

11g carbs

1.4g fibre

0.3g fat

0.7g protein

Blueberry: Blueberries, especially wild blueberries, are near the top of the list of best foods for weight loss. They contain vitamin C, vitamin B6, iron, and potassium, and they’re one of the best sources of antioxidants.

Nutrition per 100 grams:

57 calories

14g carbs

2.4g fibre

0.3g fat

0.7g protein

Banana: Bananas are an excellent source of potassium, vitamin B6, and vitamin C. They’re slightly higher in calories than most other fruits, but they’re very filling. You can eat them before a workout to get an energy boost and to prevent muscle cramps.

Nutrition per banana:

105 calories

27g carbs

3.1g fibre

0.4g fat

1.3g protein

Oranges: An orange contains lots of natural sugar, so it’s one of the best foods for weight loss and energy. One orange provides more than 100 percent of your daily value of vitamin C. It’s nutritious, filling, and good for your immune system.

Nutrition per orange:

80 calories

19g carbs

3g fibre

0g fat

1g protein

Pear: Pears are full of potassium, vitamin C, and fibre, which makes them one of your best foods for weight loss. Fiber makes fruit more filling, so pears are a good low-calorie snack option to eat between meals.

Nutrition per pear:

102 calories

27g carbs

6g fibre

0.2g fat

0.6g protein

Guava: Guavas are an even better source of vitamin C than oranges, with one fruit containing over 200 percent of your daily value. The fruit is also very versatile and makes a great healthy dessert to include in your weight-loss plan.

Nutrition per guava:

38 calories

8g carbs

3g fiber

0.5g fat

1.4g protein

The Best Vegetables for Weight Loss

Now that you’re familiar with fruit, it’s time to look at veggies. Nearly all vegetables are safe and effective for weight loss — although some high-calorie options do exist and no food remains healthy if topped by unhealthy amounts of sauces or spreads.

A quick list of the best vegetables for weight loss includes:

Leafy Greens: Leafy greens such as spinach, kale or rocket are one of the best sources of vitamin A, iron, and magnesium. They’re extremely low in calories, so you can eat a large volume and easily stay within your calorie goal.

Nutrition per 100 grams:

23 calories

3.6g carbs

2.2g fibre

0.4g fat

2.9g protein

Capsicum: Whether you go for green or red, capsicums are among the sweeter vegetables. So, they make a stellar addition to soups or salads! Their high water content makes them low in calories, so they’re high up on the list of best foods for weight loss.

Nutrition per 100 grams:

20 calories

4.6g carbs

1.7g fibre

0.2g fat

0.9g protein

Chilis: Most people eat spicy chili peppers in small quantities (unless you’re really brave!) but they can still provide lots of vitamins and nutrients. Adding spicy foods like chilis to your meals can slow down your eating speed, which can help you eat smaller portions.

Nutrition per 100 grams:

40 calories

9g carbs

1.5g fibre

0.4g fat

1.9g protein

Onions: Onions are one of the lowest-fat vegetables, so they’re one of the best foods to eat for weight loss. They have high water content and a low caloric density, so you can use them to add volume and flavor to your meals.

Nutrition per onion:

44 calories

10g carbs

1.9g fibre

0.1g fat

1.2g protein

Cucumber: Cucumbers are very low in calories, so they make a great crunchy snack or salad ingredient. Because they’re mostly water, they don’t provide as many nutrients like some other fruits and vegetables. However, they do contain some vitamin C and magnesium.

Nutrition per 100 grams:

15 calories

3.6g carbs

0.5g fiber

0.1g fat

0.7g protein

Tomatoes: Tomatoes are mostly made up of water, so they’re one of the best healthy foods to lose weight. They have fairly high fibre content, so they’re surprisingly satiating for how low-calorie they are.

Nutrition per tomato:

16 calories

3.5g carbs

1.1g fibre

0.2g fat

0.8g protein

Mushrooms: Mushies are one of your best foods for weight loss because they have lots of protein in a low-calorie serving. Incorporating mushrooms into your diet will help you feel full and maintain your muscle mass as you lose fat.

Nutrition per 100 grams:

22 calories

3.3g carbs

1g fibre

0.3g fat

3.1g protein

Carrots: Carrots are the best plant source of vitamin A, which is important for a wide variety of body functions. They also have lots of fibre and potassium.

Nutrition per 100 grams:

41 calories

10g carbs

2.8g fibre

0.2g fat

0.9g protein

Cauliflower: Cauliflower is a great low-calorie source of fibre and protein, which makes it one of the best foods to eat to lose weight. It has a mild, neutral flavour, so you can season it or roast it with sauces to make delicious, healthy meals for weight loss.

Nutrition per 100 grams:

25 calories

5g carbs

2g fibre

0.3g fat

1.9g protein

Lettuce: A serving of lettuce contains almost your entire daily value of vitamin K. It’s one of the lowest-calorie and best foods for weight loss, and adding salads to your meals is a helpful way to stay full and eat a higher volume of food.

Nutrition per 100 grams:

15 calories

2.9g carbs

1.3g fibre

0.2g fat

1.4g protein

The Best Proteins for Weight Loss

You’ve now built the foundation for weight loss with lots of fresh produce. Now, at the heart of the meal is the protein. Protein tends to have higher calorie counts than fruits and vegetables, so choosing the best proteins for weight loss is important.

Legumes: Legumes are a large group of plant foods that are contained within a pod. Most legumes are high in protein and fibre, so they’re some of the best plant-based weight-loss foods.

Nutrition per 100 grams of green peas:

81 calories

14g carbs

5g fibre

0.4g fat

5g protein

Beans: Beans fall into the legume category, but these foods are exceptionally high in fibre (so they deserved their own category!) You can eat beans to feel satiated and to get protein without consuming unhealthy fats.

Nutrition per 100 grams of black beans:

347 calories

63g carbs

16g fibre

1.2g fat

21g protein

Eggs: Eggs are one of the overall best foods for weight loss because they’re extremely filling, and they provide lots of protein and healthy fat. They’re also one of the most versatile foods, so you can make a variety of different recipes without getting bored of them.

Nutrition per egg:

78 calories

0.6g carbs

0g fiber

5g fat

6g protein

Pork: Pork is mostly made up of protein, so it’s one of your best foods for weight loss if you want to build muscle or maintain your muscle mass. It also contains other important nutrients and minerals like thiamin and selenium.

Nutrition per 100 grams:

297 calories

0g carbs

0g fibre

20.8g fat

25.7g protein

Lamb: Lamb contains lots of B vitamins, omega 3 fatty acids, and protein, which makes it one of the best foods for weight loss and muscle tone. A small serving will provide many micronutrients for a low number of calories, and it’s a good alternative to other red meats.

Nutrition per 100 grams:

294 calories

0g carbs

0g fibre

21g fat

25g protein

Chicken: Chicken is near the top of the list of best foods for weight loss. It’s lower in fat than most other meats, and it’s an excellent protein source.

Nutrition per 100 grams:

151 calories

0g carbs

0g fibre

3g fat

31g protein

Salmon: Salmon is one of the best foods for weight loss and fat burning. It’s full of omega-3 fatty acids, which improve your bone and joint health. This can help you make your workouts more powerful, which can speed up your weight loss.

Nutrition per 100 grams:

208 calories

0g carbs

0g fibre

13g fat

20g protein

Cod: Cod has one of the highest protein contents per calorie of all foods, which makes it one of the healthiest and best foods for weight loss. It’s one of the lowest-fat protein sources as well.

Nutrition per 100 grams:

82 calories

0g carbs

0g fibre

1g fat

18g protein

Sardines: Sardines are one of the best sources of omega-3 fatty acids, and one serving provides plenty of protein. It also contains vitamin B12, vitamin D, selenium, and calcium.

Nutrition per 100 grams:

208 calories

0g carbs

0g fibre

11g fat

25g protein

The Best Australian Foods For Weight Loss

best australian foods for weight loss

Australia is known for its diverse and delicious cuisine, with many healthy options that can help with weight loss. Some of the best Australian foods for weight loss include grilled seafood, fresh fruits and vegetables, and lean meats.

One popular dish in Australia is grilled seafood, such as barramundi or prawns. These are high in protein and low in calories, making them a great option for weight loss. Fresh fruits and vegetables, like tomatoes, and leafy greens, are also staples in the Australian diet and are packed with nutrients and fibre.

Lean meats, like chicken and turkey, are another great option for weight loss. They are high in protein and can help to keep you feeling full and satisfied. In addition, Australia is known for its lamb, which is a lean and flavorful meat that can be grilled or roasted.

Another common weight loss-friendly food in Australia is quinoa. This ancient grain is high in protein and fibre, making it a filling and nutritious option. It can be enjoyed as a side dish or used as a base for salads and other dishes.

Overall, the best Australian foods for weight loss are those that are fresh, nutrient-dense, and low in calories. Grilled seafood, fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats, and quinoa are all excellent choices for a healthy and satisfying diet.

The Best Snacks for Weight Loss

If you’re feeling peckish between meals, consider a piece of fruit, a small handful of nuts, or a whole grain like oats or brown rice. However, it can be hard to keep up with weight-loss motivation at all times. Sometimes, indulging in a small treat will prevent you from overeating on unhealthy, processed foods. Here are some healthy snacks for weight loss that will curb your late-night cravings:

  • 1-2 Weetbix with low-fat milk
  • Popcorn with little to no oil or butter
  • Peanut butter on wholemeal bread
  • Frozen grapes, berries, or banana slices

Sample Menu Using Best Foods for Weight Loss

Now you have a list of the best weight-loss foods, but how do you combine them into meals throughout the week?


  • Scrambled eggs with vegetables: three eggs, one tomato, 50g spinach, and 100g capsicum
  • Nutrition:
  • 282 calories
  • 13.5g carbs
  • 3.9g fibre
  • 15.6g fat
  • 21.2g protein


  • 150g grilled chicken; one apple; salad with 100g leafy greens, 100g cucumber, 100g mushrooms, and 100g carrots
  • Nutrition:
  • 400 calories
  • 39.5g carbs
  • 9.8g fibre
  • 5.7g fat
  • 54.4g protein


  • 100g salmon; 100g green beans; 1 cup brown rice
  • Nutrition:
  • 455 calories
  • 52g carbs
  • 6.9g fibre
  • 14.9g fat
  • 26.8g protein


  • One banana; 30g peanuts; 100g carrots with 30g hummus
  • Nutrition
  • 356 calories
  • 45.8g carbs
  • 10.1g fibre
  • 17.4g fat
  • 10.7g protein

The Best Foods for Weight Loss While Breastfeeding

While breastfeeding, you need 300 to 500 more calories per day than you needed pre-pregnancy. Many mothers are eager to lose the baby weight, but it’s important to consume enough calories to breastfeed. You should speak to medical professionals and follow your physician’s weight-loss advice to lose body fat safely. You should also focus on the foods that are the most nutritious for you and the baby. Best foods for weight loss while breastfeeding include:

  • Iron-rich foods like spinach, black beans, and beef
  • Calcium-rich foods like low-fat milk, almond milk, and cheese
  • Foods with omega 3 fatty acids like walnuts, salmon, and lamb
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables

The Myth of Negative Calorie Foods

One of the most common weight-loss myths is that there are “negative-calorie foods” that contain fewer calories than your body burns digesting them. While it’s true that there are a variety of low-calorie foods that are beneficial to a weight-loss diet, there isn’t any scientific evidence that supports the idea of fat-burning foods or negative-calorie foods.

Your body burns some calories by digesting meals, which is known as the thermic effect of food. The exact number of calories you burn varies depending on the size of the meal and the proportions of fat, protein, and carbs. It’s always a certain percentage of the calories you consume, though. It will never be greater than 100 percent of the calories in the meal.

In one study, researchers compared a “negative calorie diet” to a traditional low-calorie diet. Both groups of participants ate the same number of calories, and there were no differences in BMI or amount of weight lost at the end of the study.

Although negative-calorie foods do not exist, the foods that are commonly believed to have negative calories can help with weight loss. Celery, cucumbers, leafy greens, and carrots are all low in calories and have a high water content, so they’re good foods to help you lose weight. You can eat a large volume without consuming many calories, which can help you stay full and avoid overeating on unhealthy foods.

How To Use Noom To Find The Best Weight Loss Foods

If you want to have a healthy lifestyle, your diet should mostly consist of the overall best foods for weight loss. Whole foods will help you lose weight, have powerful workouts, and improve your health.

It may take some trial and error to determine your best foods for weight loss. Every item on this diet food list is healthy, but everyone has different preferences, and many people have dietary restrictions. You don’t have to eat exactly the same weight-loss meals as someone else to be successful. Instead, take a few weeks or months to find which foods and recipes you enjoy that fill you up, give you energy, and provide all the nutrients you need.

At Noom, we give you the tools and knowledge to understand what works for you and your body. From our bite-sized daily lessons to our seamless foods tracker and delicious recipes, you’ll have everything you need to make weight loss fun and effortless. Start your free trial today.