We’ll be conducting routine maintenance on Saturday, August 3rd.
Our phone system will be unavailable during this time, but you’ll be able to chat with our live agents 24/7 or you can email Support.

Macro Tracking Feature


The Macro Tracking feature allows you to monitor and adjust your intake of macronutrients (protein, carbohydrates, and fats). This feature also helps you set specific targets based on your health and fitness goals, such as weight loss or muscle gain, by providing daily tracking of macros and calories. As you log your meals, the macros from those items are automatically tracked.

Please note that the Macro Tracking feature tracks the macronutrients (protein, carbohydrates, and fats) and is different from micronutrient tracking (vitamins and minerals). The Macro Tracking feature only tracks macronutrients.

Macro Tracking Feature Availability

You may have access to the Macro Tracking feature, provided that you meet the following requirements:

  • Enrolled in the English version of the Noom Weight program (not currently available to Noomers in the U.K.)
  • Enrolled in the Noom Med program
  • iOS or Android
  • Have the most recent version of the Noom app installed (12.40.0 or higher)

How to Enable the Macro Tracking Feature

There are 3 different ways to enable the Macro Tracking feature:

  • Settings Tab in the Side Navigation Menu
  • Home Screen Widget
  • Module Content

To enable the Macro Tracking feature from the side navigation menu:

  1. Open the Noom app and tap the profile picture icon in the top left corner of the screen. 
  2. Tap Settings.
  3. Tap Macro Monitoring Settings.
  4. Toggle On the Macro Targets.

Home Screen Widget

To enable the Macro Tracking feature from the home screen:

  1. Swipe left across the top of the home screen (where the calorie bar is located) to navigate to the Macros widget.
  2. Tap Turn on Macros.

Module Content

You’ll be introduced to Macro Tracking in Week 2, Module 9 of your content and are offered the ability to turn on the Macro Tracking Feature from the lesson.

Editing Macro Targets

To edit macro targets:

  1. Open the Noom app and tap the profile picture or icon in the top left corner of the screen.
  2. Tap Settings.
  3. Tap Macro Monitoring Settings.
  4. Tap any of the macro values.
  5. Adjust the percentages of each individual macro to your preference.
  6. Tap Update.

Please note that you’ll need to adjust your macros until the total percentage equals 100% before you can save the changes.